Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

E o livro do fim-de-semana passado foi “Last Sacrifice” de Richelle Mead.

Este é o sexto livro da “Vampire Academy Series”, que encerra a história de Rose. Intriga, mistério, acção, amor e homicídio, são os ingredientes dos seis livros que compõem esta série, e que definitivamente nos ajudam a passar umas horas bem agradáveis.

A editora Contraponto edita as versões portuguesas da série, e no mercado temos os três primeiros livros à venda. E até têm um passatempo “Academia de Vampiros” a decorrer.

Deixo-vos aqui o link para o site oficial da autora, e aconselho não só esta série como as outras que encontram aqui

Review: Just finished Richele Mead’s “Last Sacrifice”, the sixth book of the Vampire Academy Series, one of my favourite series in the genre. Yup, it’s a young adult series but hei, I really like them, so why worry with demographics?!

I do think the best moment in all six books occur when Dimitri is transformed in Strigoi (sorry for the spoiler, but this shouldn’t be news for the fans). I didn’t saw that coming! And I really thought it would compromise the rest of the story. But where’s a problem, there’s a solution, and Richelle worked that one out just fine.

And I do think these books should be seen as a whole, and for that matter, the one that caught my attention above all others was “Blood Promise”, with Rose’s impossible efforts to fulfil her promise.

I was preparing myself for “Last Sacrifice”, I thought it would have one of those unhappy endings. But nope, not happening! And I’m glad. The fast paced rhythm, the mystery and the solutions found made a great ending, worthy of the whole series.


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