#December Reflections 2016 – Precious

12. Precious #decemberreflections2016

My daughter. My family. My love. My life. My health. My both legs… if possible, both in working conditions.

Life is precious. I already knew that. It was a hard learned lesson from a few years ago. Now is not just my life that is precious. Being able to be with my daughter and enjoy her is precious. There are some inexplicable and heart wrenching moments in one’s life. There are a mix of these with pure bliss when a child is born. read more

#December Reflections 2016 – Biggest lesson from 2016

11. Biggest lesson from 2016 #decemberreflections2016

2016 isn’t over yet but I dare to say that my biggest lesson from 2016 is: having and taking care of a baby is life changing, complicated and hard.

From the bouncing hormones to the post-partum complications, from the sleepless nights to the impaired decision making capacity, from the almost constant tiredness to never getting everything done… it’s been a hell of a year and a lot of hard learned lessons. read more

#December Reflections 2016 – I made this!

10. I made this! #decemberreflections2016

… and the baby.

It’s a bed reducer and a support to steady her when she sleeps on her side. They both have come in handy. read more