One single drop of blue water




One single drop of blue water,

A century lost in a sweet sea.

What can I say that you haven’t heard?

If this pain has glued me in saline wee.


Two drops running through my face,

The storm came, and in it, life.

Remembering a scared taste,

Knowing the tears will not suffice.


Drops of heavy water, as I knew them,

They are the end to this moisten story.

Remember me, well-endowed in sand

Enjoy the sea sounding in all its glory.


Emptiness, the rummaging of what I feel,

Clear water flowing, in rivers of pure gold,

Turning the air I breathe in steel.

Open the soul, liquid exposed in cold.


One single drop, a battle for the unfair,

Showing nothing, but still mighty scared,

Because future lies elsewhere

And now, wet as sand, thick as air,

Admit, Know nothing… Can’t spare…


Sara Farinha

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