Curiosity killed the Cat

Curiosity killed the cat”. That’s what they tell us when we are being overly pushy (by someone standards) about something. I don’t know if the cat appreciates the comparison, but I do know that I don’t.

It seems rather extreme to eliminate something just because it got too curious. Isn’t it better to ask what we don’t know? Is it better to let others take wild guesses, then to enlighten the other man’s mind? Is the risk of assuming something worth taking?

Are you posing the right questions, the truly assertive and uncomfortable ones? Are they making someone feel threatened? And are you prepared to pay the price of asking those questions?

If it’s a cultural matter or knowing more about someone, then acknowledge what you don’t know and ask what you want to know. But never, and I mean really never, pose a question if you don’t want to know the answer. It’s not a matter of agreeing with something, it’s a matter of learning something new.

In other contexts, then please always bare the following thought: If curiosity doesn’t serve the purpose, then why do they want to kill it?

The tricks of men are lurking in random speeches and dubious conversations. And it’s up to us to make the smart decision. Listen, ask questions and learn through the answers. But beware of the unanswered, they can tell us almost as much as it counterpart.

Curiosity: Did you know that the initial saying was: “Care killed the cat”, being “care” associated with sorrow or worry. The original meaning would be that “sorrow/worry could lead to an early grave. Now, the full-fledged meaning is: inquisitiveness can put you in danger.


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