Reading Romances Challenge: September Status and October Book Choices

September was a slow month. Even though I started some books, I wasn’t quite able to complete my Reading Romances Monthly Quota (2 books/month).

So this is my September reading status:

 6) Read a Book Day: Read a book that you have been meaning to read or a book that has been neglected in a series or a challenge or a random book that caught your fancy when you were browsing. – ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ by E.L. James. I ended up doing the 3 volumes review (in Portuguese) which isn’t that user friendly for this challenge. Nevertheless you can find my review here.

As for October reading options:


1) Read a book with two authors (not an anthology, more like a collaboration.)

 2) Read a book where a character is a cop or a detective and/or a murder mystery is being solved.  ‘River Marked’ by Patricia Briggs (murder mystery)


3) Read a book categorize as romantic suspense (Romantic suspense involves an intrigue or mystery for the protagonists to solve).  ‘Public Secrets’ by Nora Roberts


 4) Halloween: Read a book that you consider “scary” or “spooky” , or one that features a typical “Halloween” character (witch, vampire, ghost, etc), or Read a book with a character, or subject matter, that is also a typical, old-fashioned Halloween costume (witch, ghost, vamp, princess, fairy, cowboy, firefighter etc, etc…).

5) Teacher’s Day: Read a book set in a school, college or university, or a character is in the education field (teacher, professor, lecturer, etc).

6) National Book Month Read a book set in the publishing business, or a book about writing, or one with a character that is a writer, publisher, editor, etc.

7) Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Read a book that is Chick-lit or Women’s Fiction, a book with a character dealing with cancer or a book with a strong female lead (“strong” can encompass physical, mental and/or emotional strength) *A virtual high-five for a book with a pink cover.

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