Review: ‘River Marked’ by Patricia Briggs

River Marked’ is the 6º book of the Mercy Thompson Series. It took me about 10 hours to get through this one, a normal pace for the books of this series. I really enjoyed getting back to Tri-Cities and to Mercy’s prowess to attract danger. Nevertheless there were some things that kept bugging me throughout the book.

OK, it has action. Mercy is herself and she’s a good heroine, Adam, Jesse and his pack are always a treat. But it felt a little bit empty.

The marriage is a total elope, even though it isn’t in the real sense. It leaves the reader with that taste of lacking something. And then they go for a (not really) romantic place. It could be the perfect place if we didn’t find out that Adam was aware that something was up.

Let’s face it, the intelligent Alpha of the Tri-Cities werewolf pack, first introduced as someone who knew how the strange world of magic works, seems to accept rather lightly that someone set something up in his honeymoon.

This 6th novel also reveals some of the mysteries behind Mercy’s past. It sort of introduces us to her father using Indian mythology to do it. The new characters were interesting and funny, and gave us a sense of native American culture and magic still in the world.

It really seems that Briggs chose to change some of the basics in this one. Not only she lightened up the wedding but also the relationship between Mercy and Adam. It maintains that sense of tension between different species and some character personal growth but looses some dept. And there really aren’t many significant moments between the newlyweds.

Something happened in this one and it seems like not enough planning and some external influences. I liked it well enough and as it seems that this series only has one more book to go, I’ll be reading the last one. I hope Briggs can make it a memorable one and give closure to Mercy’s story in style.

This is my book choice for the 2nd topic of the Reading Romances Challenge: Read a book where a character is a cop or a detective and/or a murder mystery is being solved.


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