#December Reflections 2016 – This year was…

22. This year was… #december reflections2016

This year was… darkness, light… and flying sparks.

My heart is full… but so is my head.

It was the best year. It was the worst year. It has been a year of profound transformations. Being a mother for the first time, a significant other, a writer, a full-time worker, a daughter, a friend… it is overwhelming sometimes. Being sick was the cherry on top of my very big cake. Yes, it is all a matter of perspective… but I’m too tired to seek other views.

It has been a year of challenges. I’ve been counting my blessings as I look back and know that I’m handling everything in a way that I never thought possible. And there is nothing more special than my daughter hugs. She makes almost everything bearable.

So, my light for my darkness, and sparks everywhere.



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