Reading Romances August and September Challenges: My book choices

I’m so late on my RR update! After a two week vacation I’m back with the full report on August readings and September options.

As for August I kept my two book quota in the following challenges:

2) Read a book with an older Hero or heroine (AT LEAST mid-to-late thirties) – ‘Kiss of Fate’ by Deborah Cooke. See my Review here.

3) Read a novel that is classified as “chick-lit” or a light, humorous book about a young single, working woman in an urban setting – ‘Hell Kat’ by Vivi Anna. Not quite the usual urban setting but a humorous and adventurer story.

In September RR Challenge we have:


1) Read a classic romance.


2) Read a book with an animal on its cover.

3) Urban Fantasy with a strong romance line and strong, kick-ass heroine.


4) Editors and Writers Month: Read a book where a character is in the writing field (author, writer, journalist, publisher, editor, etc)

5) Pirate day: Read a book that involves Pirates or other sea-faring characters, like Vikings, Ship Captains, etc…

 6) Read a Book Day: Read a book that you have been meaning to read or a book that has been neglected in a series or a challenge or a random book that caught your fancy when you were browsing.

So these are the latest updates, with a few delays but never forgotten.

Please check my Reading Romances Posts or join us here…


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