Reading Romances Challenge: November Status and December Book Choices

reading romances badgeThis is my Reading Romances Challenge monthly status. November was full of challenges and I was fully engaged in NaNoWriMo which didn’t help my reading or this month’s RRC.

My November book choices were:

1) Read two books written by the same writer under different names (Ex. Sherrilyn Kenyon/Kinley MacGregor; Amanda Quick/Jayne Ann Krentz/Jyne Castle; JR Ward/Jessica Bird, etc) – ‘Savor the Moment’ by Nora Roberts and ‘NakedSavor the moment in Death’ by J.D. Robb – I did read ‘Savor the Moment’ but not the second so I guess this is a  failure.

As for December… this is the closure of 2012 RR Challenge and we have until December 15th to complete the readings. And the options are:

1) A book that you are reading for another challenge, preferably one that you are wrapping up for the year – ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Brontë (one I’ve been delaying for months)

2) Christmas Theme: Read a book that has a Christmas related word in its title (mistletoe, christmas, holiday, santa, reindeer etc) or has a Christmas themed cover.


You can check here all of my Reading Romances Posts


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