#December Reflections 2016 – On the table

01. On the table #decemberreflections2016

There’s a lot on my plate right now. And there’s a lot on my table also. Books, writings, plans, schedules, medical exams, beautiful bookmarks, my journal, bills, pens and coloring pens, drawings, baby bottles, saline solution and tissues. Yup! We have a cold for weeks now.

And then there’s my computer buried behind all kinds of stuff. Including multiple power cords, phones, electronic apparatus, and extra keyboards (my seven months daughter already wants her own).

In the corner is our Christmas tree. This is my daughters’ first Christmas tree. She loves everything that has lights. Big or small, as long as they’re in sight she gets mesmerized and so very happy, so she got pretty intense when we lighted up the tree.

On my table there are all sorts of stuff. Since I moved my working space to the living room, and gave my baby her own room, that I can’t seem to keep it organized… and this says a lot about my days right now. But it doesn’t matter. She’s valuable and mine to cherish and we are bursting with happiness. She’s our precious gift. And I’m trading my space for her safety and my time for her attention, as it should be.

December Reflection it is. On my dark table there are many things. Objects and feelings. Practical and metaphysical. Darkness and light. And a lot of love… and that’s what keeps me going.

You can find more about December Reflections 2016 here.


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