#December Reflections 2016 – Light

02. Light #decemberreflections2016

There’s always a light. Sometimes we just refuse to see it.

This is my Christmas tree top. No guiding star. An ice flake, a butterfly and a burning crystal heart.

A few years ago I went white for most of my Christmas decorations. I needed to go all out and bright. So I did.

Now I’ve kept it all white (and light gray) as a symbol of truth and purity. From the fierce hearts to the shiny globes, from the frozen flowers to the flying reindeers, from the butterflies to the pearl strings. Even the lights are crystal white, transparent and glowing as a fierce and truthful heart should be.

In my tree there is no guiding star to Jerusalem. Nothing to serve as map. There is no need. Each one of us must find our guidance inside. It’s where all our strengths are. Not on the air. There is no need for the ethereal kind of falling star. So there is no star.

Instead there’s a big shiny snow flake on the top.  Just a token of the warmth we can find in ice cold December. A family kind of embraced acceptance and a glowing light to push darkness away.

There is a butterfly. As it turns from this to that it’s an appropriated choice.

And a crystal heart. A glowing crystal heart, bright and always burning, irradiating light.

There’s always one light. In the mist of shadows there is always one bright truth, something to keep us warm. Some comfort in being just whom and what we are. Even in the mist of deep changes.

No excuses. No half-hearted dues. Just proud of the imperfect and shiny self. A light that might not be much but sometimes it’s all we’ve got and it helps us through.

You can find more about December Reflections 2016 here.


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