#December Reflections 2016 – Best decision of 2016

15. Best decision of 2016

Don’t panic. Easy to say, very hard to do. But I’ve been managing it on my own pace… like always.

Don’t panic. Enjoy the moment. Be happy. These have been my best decisions in 2016. read more

#December Reflections 2016 – Texture

14. Texture #decemberreflection2016

There are things more interesting in places we usually don’t dare to look.

This is the ceiling of an old Portuguese electric train. The carriage was converted in a diner and it’s in a very quaint spot. A complex of musical studios for rent. read more

#December Reflections 2016 – Light

02. Light #decemberreflections2016

There’s always a light. Sometimes we just refuse to see it.

This is my Christmas tree top. No guiding star. An ice flake, a butterfly and a burning crystal heart. read more

#December Reflections 2016 – On the table

01. On the table #decemberreflections2016

There’s a lot on my plate right now. And there’s a lot on my table also. Books, writings, plans, schedules, medical exams, beautiful bookmarks, my journal, bills, pens and coloring pens, drawings, baby bottles, saline solution and tissues. Yup! We have a cold for weeks now.

And then there’s my computer buried behind all kinds of stuff. Including multiple power cords, phones, electronic apparatus, and extra keyboards (my seven months daughter already wants her own). read more

December Reflections 2016

december reflections

I love a good inspiring challenge. This time I’ll be sharing it here, on the blog, with you.

I guess it doesn’t fit the blog theme. Frankly, I can’t seem to care less. I keep struggling to maintain this project and I guess in this final month a more contemplative state is in order… And even if it doesn’t fit the writers theme it surely serves its inspirational profile. read more