Inspiration enlightens the world

É oficial! A vida dá cada volta que até nos deixa atordoados. Num minuto está tudo dentro da normalidade, no seguinte alguém nos arranca o tapete debaixo dos pés. E se posso dizer que uma das minhas frases favoritas é: “Not till we are lost, in other words, not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves.”  de Henry D. Thoreau, também posso garantir que todo o processo é demasiado doloroso.

Numa tradução livre: É quando perdemos o mundo, que começamos a encontrar-nos a nós mesmos. read more

“Breathless” Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

It’s up in the morning and on the downs
Little white clouds like gambolling lambs
And I am breathless over you
And the red-breasted robin beats his wings
His throat it trembles when he sings
For he is helpless before you
The happy hooded bluebells bow
And bend their heads all a-down
Heavied by the early morning dew
At the whispering stream, at the bubbling brook
The fishes leap up to take a look
For they are breathless over you
Still your hands
And still your heart
For still your face comes shining through
And all the morning glows anew
Still your mind
Still your soul
For still, the fare of love is true
And I am breathless without you
The wind circles among the trees
And it bangs about the new-made leaves
For it is breathless without you
The fox chases the rabbit round
The rabbit hides beneath the ground
For he is defenceless without you
The sky of daytime dies away
And all the earthly things they stop to play
For we are all breathless without you
I listen to my juddering bones
The blood in my veins and the wind in my lungs
And I am breathless without you
Still your hands
And still your heart
For still your face comes shining through
And all the morning glows anew
Still your soul
Still your mind
Still, the fire of love is true
And I am breathless without you

….. read more

Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

E o livro do fim-de-semana passado foi “Last Sacrifice” de Richelle Mead.

Este é o sexto livro da “Vampire Academy Series”, que encerra a história de Rose. Intriga, mistério, acção, amor e homicídio, são os ingredientes dos seis livros que compõem esta série, e que definitivamente nos ajudam a passar umas horas bem agradáveis. read more

A inspiração nas pequenas coisas…

Matt Lambros é um fotógrafo com um gosto especial por edifícios antigos. As suas fotos de Teatros abandonados nos E.U.A. são excelentes, fazem-me lembrar pinturas, cheias de cores que se misturam até tornar a imagem numa profusão de cores e formas indistintas e impressionantes. Afinal as antiguidades também têm o seu encanto.

Espreitem o site de Matt Lambros read more

“In a Dark Time” by Theodore Roethke

In a dark time, the eye begins to see,
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade;
I hear my echo in the echoing wood–
A lord of nature weeping to a tree,
I live between the heron and the wren,
Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den.

What’s madness but nobility of soul
At odds with circumstance? The day’s on fire!
I know the purity of pure despair,
My shadow pinned against a sweating wall,
That place among the rocks–is it a cave,
Or winding path? The edge is what I have. read more